
Our family

We are a very small farm, the operation is manage by the family, Gerardo, Sole y Raul and Gabriel and Ivette, We want to show you how we work with nature instead of against it! Permaculture started as a way of improving our farming technics and continue on improving our way of living.  We welcome you to visit our site frequently to learn together how to live in a healthy and happy way. 

How is it to be an organic coffee farmer?

 This is Gabriel Calderon I Have worked in the coffee industry since I am a kid. I was born on a coffee farm that belong in the family since 1950's So I started same as many many kids in this town. Being a son of a coffee farmer. Playing around the fields And soon Working on the fields. Maybe they call it now child labor. But I grew up enjoying, Learning And I didn't feel I had to work and work hard. So that gave me the courage the knowledge and the enthusiasm to keep farming. Same as many kids nowadays, They are told to leave the farms to make money. My dad told me that when I was a teenager. Because our changed to organic farming was going to make us lose our farm. So I studied English A little bit of computers. Work for a Company for a few years and then realize I am missing a lot by not being on the farm. So I came back work with my dad And try some projects by myself starting roasting coffee which we didn't do before, Started learning what else we can add to farming to...

Como puedo empesar a trabajar en permacultura?

 Si has escuchado que la permaculture es interesante y te han recomendado a practicarla es importante tener en cuenta que muchas veces no nos dicen la realidad concreta de lo que se puede experimentar en el proceso.  Muchas veces si vez con atencion los productos cultivados y las espectativas son muy altas. Pero olvidamos un punto muy importante. La Permacultura es rentable a largo plazo. Debe de existir una transición lenta y gradual para no sufrir las consecuencias graves de un cambio radical que es el fracaso de la mayoría de personas que lo han intentado pero no han enterado de que no todo lo que brilla es oro. Para hacerlo brillar hay que trabajar.  La Permacultura es rentable, si, a largo plazo, que vas a ser durante la transición? Tienes un ahorro que te permita "vivir sin depender de tu producción por un periodo de 3 o 5 años. Si no lo tienes, el proceso debe de ser aún más lento. Una tradición de agricultura tradicional con químicos a un sistema integral de diver...

The ways we share what we learn!!

 El Toledo Coffee Family is a little business that likes to share what we do and what we learn with students, farmers, neighbors, and everyone else who would like to.  We have had students from different parts of the world taking the information that they consider can help others in their countries.  We had profetionals on different areas teaching and researching what happens on the farm with the sustainable way of farming and processing we have.  If you are interested in being part of the researching and learning experience we can get in touch to see how we can work together to help each other help others.  A whole gama of new products made from the coffee fruit that should not continue going to waste.  Let's support our future by being responsible today. 


Single origin Coffee  If you are looking por good Costa rican coffee El Toledo Coffee plantation can send it straight from the farm.  Drinking Costa Rican coffee is not that difficult anymore. But finding the right source could be the key to drink a special product and make sure you are not only enjoying it but knowing that you are supporting the right thing. Coffee is grown in many ways. Proccess very different from place to place. So if you can know more about the farming methods and ethics of the product you are drinking that can give you an idea if that one kind is what you want.  There are coffees grown in the best way, humble people, go practices with the environment, but nobody knows of it. That can be the coffee you are drinking right now.  But also, there are very harmful effects to the environment and nature depending of how the coffee is grown or processed. But marketed the best way so people pay a lot of money for it.  The money you pay for your coff...

Nuestra Guia de Exito y Alegria

Quien no busca la alegria? El éxito depende de ella.            La Finca El Toledo es un lugar humilde donde trabajar el campo y disfrutar de nuestras vidas se unen para formar nuestra felicidad y bienestar. Somos lo que comemos, por eso queremos cada vez más producir alimentos para estar saludables. También queremos vivir bien por lo que debemos de invertir tiempo en construir nuestra felicidad. Y como ya lo sabemos, la felicidad no es una mercancía, por lo que no podemos comprarla, pero podremos conseguirla estando cómodos con lo que hacermos. Viviendo de esta forma es fácil, no tenemos que preocuparnos por tener mucho sino lo suficiente para vivir y lo que más queremos. Y lo que queremos no debe de ser cada vez más y más. De lo contrario, lo suficiente nunca será suficiente. La alegría es un componente esencial en nuestras vidas. Sin embargo no se logra por lo que alcancemos materialmente. Sino por lo que logremos hacer y experimentar esa satisfacción...

Our guidelines to learn to be happy

Who does not look for happiness?           El Toledo farm is a humble place where farming and living is joined to form our happiness and wellbeing. We are what we eat, so we want to produce food to be healthy, we want to live well so we should invest time in building our happiness, as you know happiness is not a merchandise, so we can't buy it. But we can have it by being comfortable with what you do. Living this way is easy, we don't have to have a lot, just what we need and enough to what we want. And what we want should not be more and more every time, otherwise our enough is never enough!

Que significa trabajar orgánico en armonía con la naturaleza?

Sabias que se puede trabajar Organico y estar en contra del Medio ambiente o la Naturaleza? Pues así es! Ponga atención a esto: Si trabajamos Organica sustitullendo productos quimicos por productos organicos unicamente estamos desbalanceando la naturaleza y apartandola. Si utilizabamos quimicos para matar insectos, buscamos un producto para matar insectos, si usabamos controlar los hongos con quimicos utilizamos productos organicos para matar hongos. Este sistema es muy limitante a producir un producto saludable unicamente en vez de trabajar en armonía con la naturaleza! Tambien podemos evitar el uso de muchos productos químicos si trabajamos en producciones tipo invernaderos, esto nos lleva a tener una producción cerrada, solo para humanos, el egoísmo de no dejar que la naturaleza se mescle con mis cultivos hace que se generen problemas ambientales al cubrir los suelos con plasticos ocacionando mas erosion o saturacion de agua en otros lugares ocasionando que el agua no sea filtrada ...



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